
Why, How, What - the golden circle, or the approach that leads to success. The concept of reverse approach from most of the people. Here is a short presentation of the findings of  Simon Sinek’s studies …


Workshop – Individual and team performance. The workshop opens new perspectives for managers, leaders, executives, entrepreneurs and generally for anyone who seeks for his team’s success.


From dream to result - Complacency, efficiency and inner balance both professionally and personally, takes on a new form and a new dimension. This new way of looking at things makes the entire …

I feel. I act. I get result

GETRESULT is the concept in which I believe strongly and fundamentally defines me and the relation with my clients. We get huge performance and satisfaction in directions that we feel and where we really trust in. I mean those directions which are ours, those we feel they come from within, having no need to describe them or justify them rationally. There are things we do because we feel, not because we MUST do. MUST have only rational part, motivated by business, ego satisfaction of relational or social needs, etc. While coming from within is clean, it totally defines us, unaltered by analytical thinking barriers.


Performance and succes come by acting in the sense of what we feel

It is important to look and listen within us. HOW we do and WHAT we do is a result of what we see and hear there. The most powerful resource that can be used to obtain great results and achieve ambitious goals is even ourselves. We have just to follow our senses and desires closely

As Simon Sinek presents in his studies, the most successful people in the world, those who remained in history through their outstanding performance and achievements have had an approach of this kind. Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, Wright brothers, etc. have started from their belief in something they felt, into something that has defined fundamental. Rather than focus on rational motivation for bussiness, political or competitivity in the Wright brothers case, they have pursued the dream. They believe strongly in something. Energy attracts energy, thus managed to attract to their side employees/people who share the same belief with them, and customer / audience who received the same creed, the result of their work. Consistency, strength and success of the results are greater when the results are obtained from our strong beliefs. Martin Luther King keeps repeating: “I have a dream …” and most of his ideas set began with “I believe that …” (with strong energy on “I believe” and a short break after).


How do we emerge and get those great results by coaching?

What is coaching? Here’s a question with a simple answer: training. Ok, and what we get? A desired outcome, concrete, deeply rooted in what we feel inside us.

Coaching can be verbalized in many ways and presented in more many forms. From my perspective, coaching is a peer-to-peer relation (coach-client) which is based on mutual trust and complete openness. The purpose of forming a coaching relation is to stimulate creativity and to challenge the client’s thinking and acting manner, with the sole goal to maximize its potential, inspiring personal and professional. The ancient Greeks noticed that a runner can rapidly increase performance by bringing another runner right beside him and run together. From here comes the con-current term (later, the meaning went to “race”). Relational space thus created is infinite, has no boundaries, is instantly and noninformational. It emerges the force of creativity, aiming to find the best and fastest solutions to client’s challenges. The fundamental feature of the coaching relation is autonomy. In this exclusively delegative space, the client is fully autonomous in his creative process. Coaching relation helps the client to discover, clarify and choose directions to the result he follows. In the coaching relation, the client is not judged (he is or act good or bad) . It is assumed that we are good as we are, we just want to be better. The best solutions to customer challenges lie precisely in its hands. This relation is suitable for carrying out and developing in order to help client to increase performance and improve quality of life issues.

The spirit of the coaching space is defined by the conversation between coach and client. The quality of the coaching exercise is directly related to a conversational art. Coach listens, responds, mirrors, share, clarify, ask for details, ask provocative and confrontational questions, uses metaphorical approach, in order to open new perspectives.He seeks solutions and strategies, all the while maintaining the client responsible and accountable to the personal challenges. In other words, through the spirit of discussion, the coach helps the client to open new horizons and to challenge new perspectives on his personal and professional life’s issues that he wishes to be improved.

Coach listens, observes and harmonizes its strategies to deal with cient’s needs. He sees the client as a fundamental source of (re)generating resources and endowed with natural creativity.

Transposing concrete results in various contexts that define our universe of personal life, the client engaged in a coaching relationship get:


  • discover / rediscover of self
  • identify and clarify needs, desires and personal aspirations
  • maintaining focus on future
  • maximize potential
  • awareness of values
  • overcoming difficult situations and barriers
  • career change
  • obtaining / improving internal and external balance
  • optimizing the combining of personal and professional or business life
  • increase personal performance
  • choice of family status and obtaining / improving satisfaction in the status


  • building on personal business vision
  • clarification and commitment to achieve results and deadlines
  • observation opportunities and broadening perspectives on resources
  • establishing and implementing strategies
  • company development


  • maintaining focus on results
  • leadership development
  • improving performance
  • enhancing professional skills
  • optimization of delegative, informational, relational and delegative approach
  • improving the ability to react and to adapt to fast changings
  • overcoming barriers, belief limitations and discovering new perspectives
  • Improve accountability and confidence in making decisions and acting

I offer weekly 3 free individual coaching sessions in the limit of availability

You can schedule here:

Tel: (+4) 0722 254 810
E-mail: getresult@andreilascu.com
Skype ID: sk.andreilascu